Where motivation
meets opportunity

North American Style University
in the Heart of Europe

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A Truly Global preparation

As a top International university in Lithuania and the Baltics, our education is designed to prepare you for a fulfilling career.

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Personalized Attention

With an average class size of 16:1, you receive personalized attention at LCC. Our supportive environment includes a dedicated student support center and a focus on student-centered learning to ensure you thrive.

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Full Campus Life

Located near the beautiful Baltic beaches in the seaside town of Klaipėda, our campus offers safe and vibrant on-campus dormitories with convenient amenities. Become part of a renowned institution known for its international diversity. 

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Innovative Education

At LCC, we embrace North American educational approaches, offering you access to highly qualified professors, innovative teaching methods, and rigorous academics.

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Liberal Arts Curriculum

At LCC, your education is a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Our diverse liberal arts curriculum equips you with critical thinking and essential skills needed to thrive in today's dynamic world.

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LCC Moose Basketball

We take pride in our men's and women's basketball teams. The men's team continues to build on its past successes, while the women's team is making history with recent victories in national and Baltic leagues.


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Other opportunities to discover more include Open Door Days, Online Open Door Days, and LCC Academy.

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Experience vibrant student life at LCC, filled with events, activities, clubs, and practical programs organized by both staff and students.

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“Everyone truly wants you to succeed”

"The most valuable lesson I learned at LCC is that people are the most valuable asset in every organization and to care about each person I work or interact with. Having talked to many alumni, they always said that people are what create the real LCC experience, and now looking back, I couldn’t agree more. It is the amazing staff and faculty who share common values and help us grow not only as professionals but also as individuals, and it is the students who later become your second family. At LCC everyone truly wants you to succeed."

a photo of person or place for the testimony

Yuliia Rusianovska
Currently pursuing a masters degree in Media Management at Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University (USA)
Graduated from LCC in 2020

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2,500+ alumni


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Tuition fees

For the 2024/2025 academic year, all BA Programs are priced at 4,050 EUR per academic year. 

MA Programs are priced individually with discount opportunities for LCC alumni.

Financial aid

We want everyone to have an opportunity to experience LCC's high-quality education.

Check our financial aid programs to help cover your tuition fees and find sources of extra income for living and housing expenses.

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60% Lower

Tuition than the
European average*

Affordable living

Klaipėda is more
affordable than other European capitals**

540,000 EUR

Given by LCC as
financial aid annually


Students receive
financial aid

*Average tuition fees for BA programs in Europe for students outside EU/EEA is 8600 EUR/year based on mastersportal.com 

**Living expenses are estimated based on data from numbeo.com

University Basketball

LCC International University, a North American-style university located in Lithuania, takes pride in its exceptional men's and women's basketball teams. Renowned for excellence and dedication to the sport, our program offers a unique blend of talent and passion both on the court and in the classroom. Join us in celebrating the basketball culture at LCC International University, which is fitting to Lithuania. Many LCC Moose players started their careers here and went on to become professional athletes.

Coaches and staff

Our basketball program is led by a team of professional coaches and dedicated staff, many of whom are nationally recognized for their success.  

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Exchange programs

For incoming students

An adventure immersed in Instagramable places, European culture, and international friendships with students from over 50 countries. Our exchange programs are open to everyone. 

For outgoing students

Explore the world by studying or taking a traineeship abroad.

Language center

English public speaking competitions
Lithuanian language & culture

Planning to study at LCC or apply to an English university abroad? Take a certified TOEFL test at LCC to prove your skills.

Read about TOEFL at LCC >


In search of an environment conducive to both individual and collaborative scholarly endeavors? Look no further than our carefully curated Balciunai Library, occupying 475 square meters on the third level of the DeFehr building. Immerse yourself in an atmosphere designed to facilitate research and committed academic pursuits. Our library serves as the heart of university learning, where students can explore traditional texts alongside cutting-edge resources, engage in interdisciplinary discussions, and collaborate on projects that push the boundaries of knowledge.  

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Your textbook is not the curriculum


“Open your books to page 24. Today we are going to learn about passive voice.” But your textbook is not the curriculum.I get it. Language teachers in public schools are often overwhelmed with students, tests, grades, meetings, paperwork, and classroom management. Sometimes it takes all the effort that one can muster just to move from class to class knowing that administrative paperwork, skeptical students, opinionated parents, and preparation for the standard exams are calling your attention. It’s just too tempting to pick up the textbook and turn to the next page and continue from yesterday.However, ideally, curriculum is a carefully designed plan of instruction with the purpose to meet the language learning needs of the particular students who arrive to your class daily.There are two basic types of curriculum planning. Forward design starts with the content or the tasks that the teacher hopes to teach the learners. Teachers organize the content (scope) into a syllabus (sequence) and select the materials for the lessons and accompanying methods and activities. The aim is to move the students through the content with appropriate lessons. Typically, teachers use a forward curriculum design for task-based instruction, large classes, at the introductory level, or with a very general course. Forward design is inventive; the teacher knows the content and asks, “how can I teach this content well?”Alternatively, a backward curriculum design begins with the end point in mind. A teacher may conduct a needs analysis to discover information about his students in relationship to the goals of the course. Only after the goals of the course are determined and the needs assessment analyzed does the instructor select materials and methods. The materials and methods purposefully move students to meet the goals. In starting with the ending, a backward design prioritizes the goals and helps students to reach those stated goals.In reality, curriculum is negotiated between school/ state requirements and the individual teachers. Many public-school administrations mandated a national or standardized framework that identifies what students should be learning at certain levels. In Europe, two examples of language frameworks are the Common European Reference of Languages (CEFR) from Cambridge and the Global Scale of English (Pearson). Ministries of education also have their standards of frameworks for pupils in schools. In a backwards curriculum design, a teacher’s job is to translate those overarching standards into a syllabus that refines the goals, content, and methods for a block or unit of time into a syllabus. The syllabus is then fine turned to daily lesson plans.So back to those textbooks. At what point can teachers balance the creation of a thoughtful curriculum with a textbook that provides an answer key? In the best-case scenario, the chosen standard, the goals of the course, and the textbook align. However, textbooks are only one tool in the teachers’ toolbox that will assist him to help the students reach the goals of the course.I am not saying “throw out the textbook.” In our course, Curriculum Design, we learn about curriculum development in a variety of contexts. Although we know that it is difficult, we aim for informed teachers to find that near-perfect balance of goals, materials, student needs, methods, and assessment.If you thought teaching was just a matter of opening to page 24? Think again. But that is what LCC’s MA TESOL master’s degree is all about: developing well-informed teachers who can purposefully negotiate the curriculum making significant decisions in their unique contexts.Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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Our students will change the world


Mehrdad Rezaie graduated from LCC in April 2024. There are few students who stand out academically and personally as Mehrdad.Mehrdad grew up in Afghanistan. Before he came to LCC, Mehrdad taught English at several camps in Afghanistan, and at Tech Star English Language Academy in Kabul. He worked in the Leadership and English Advancement Program, part of a US Exchange Program in Mumbai, India. He was the director’s assistant for the State Ministry for Peace, Directory of Civil Societies and Political Organizations in Kabul. Mehrdad also volunteered as Book Club President at Kateb University, and Project Manager for the American Council for International Education, both in Kabul.He attended LCC for four years as an English major. He was diligent in his studies. He actively and appropriately participated in classes. He learned to write essays and literature reviews in writing classes. Mehrdad speaks Persian/Dari as his native language and learned Lithuanian while completing all his university studies in English. He was especially interested in TESOL courses.During his year as a student at LCC, he gained more teaching experience at English at summer camps in Germany and at LCC. He was a mentor at a local school, and an employee at a local language program. He took a job as an online copy writer for URSA Digital (USA).  After he served as a Resident Assistant in the dorms, the Student Life staff promoted Mehrdad to be the Assistant to the Resident Director. He also volunteered as the editor of Calliope, the student literary and art journal.Students chose a topic for their senior final project in the spring; they spend the summer reading and in the fall of their senior year, they enroll in a thesis course. We assigned Dr. Mark Sawin as Mehrdad’s thesis advisor. Mark and Mehrdad met regularly to discuss Mehrdad’s topic of English language textbooks in Afghanistan.I had the pleasure of seeing Mehrdad in the “home stretch” of his thesis. The title was “An Analysis of English Textbooks in Afghanistan from the Perspective of Global Englishes.” Mehrdad analyzed three English language textbooks published in Afghanistan by the Ministry of Education. Mehrdad knew personally how student-centered, active education can change lives. He also learned that teaching young people to speak English as a global language enhances their chances for success in the world marketplace as well as an understanding of multilingual communication for peace.Mehrdad successfully defended his thesis at LCC. Just a month later, he presented his thesis at the University of Zagreb at the “Anglophonia” conference. Mehrdad’s advisor, Dr. Mark Sawin, was the keynote speaker at the conference.Mehrdad hopes to change education in Afghanistan for the better. That’s a bold dream, but he is already making strides to do so.Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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