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Donate to our Annual Fund online

Partner with us: Join our community of supporters and make a difference in the lives of students at LCC.

Make a one time donation or setup recurring donations to any area of our annual fund using this form.

If you already registered for regular donations you can login to manage your account.

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“Empowering through access to education”

"For my freshman year, I received the Ukraine Scholar Award that covered 90% of my tuition, which was followed by the President’s Leadership Scholarship that granted me full tuition coverage for the remaining three years. These generous grants have given me the opportunity to work towards my dreams and goals without stressing about financing my studies. They have also motivated me to be an active part of LCC community by giving back to it in the ways that I could."

a photo of person or place for the testimony

Yuliia Rusianovska
Country of Origin: Ukraine
International Business Administration Major

Non-profit university

Growing future leaders since 1991

Established in 1991, our non-profit university in Lithuania is dedicated to cultivating future leaders for the post-USSR region. Grounded in Christian values, we offer a transformative liberal arts education focused on nurturing individuals committed to democratic principles, community service, and the importance of civil society within a Christian worldview.

Unique in the region

North American education style and Christian mission sets us apart. 

Supported by donors like you

As a private university, we depend on the generosity of individuals like you to offer scholarships and deliver high-quality education to students from over 60 countries.



North American

Education style


Student experience

Liberal Arts

Critical thinking

Facts & figures


Enrolled students this year


Countries represented


Students receive financial support


Total number of alumni


Average student to faculty ratio


International students


Alumni are satisfied with their LCC education


Student retention rate

Debt-free institution

Over the past decades LCC have proved itself to be a reliable and transparent organisation.  

Our sources of income

1. Your donations to annual fund

Your continuous support allows us to offer scholarships and high quality education to students who otherwise would not be able to afford it.

2. Our staff & faculty contribution

LCC faculty & staff contribute approximately 1,000,000 USD in services each year.

3. Tuition fees

As private, non-profit university we cover part of our operational costs by tuition fees. Thanks to contribution of our faculty & staff we are able to keep tuition fees as low as 4,050 USD per year for BA programs.

Your gifts to annual fund

Every year we distribute over 500,000 USD through scholarships and financial aid to around 60% of LCC students.

Helping a single student

B.A. student needs 4,000 USD for annual tuition fees. While the price is low for the United States, the majority of our students come from countries where the GDP is 9 times lower than that of the U.S.

GDP per capita
Lithuania 25,020 USD
Russia 12,172 USD
Georgia 5,042 USD
Ukraine 4,835 USD

GDP per capita in US - 69,287 USD.  World Bank Database (June 2021)

Alternative Ways To Give

Bank Transfer

Set up recurring donations by submitting a form to your bank:

Mail a Check

You can mail us a check to US or Canadian address:

e-Transfer Tools

For U.S. donors:
You can easily use Zelle to send donations to LCC using the address:

Click here for more detailed instructions for donors in the United States.


For Canadian donors:
You can easily use Interac e-Transfer to send donations to LCC using the address:

Click here for more detailed instructions for donors in Canada.


To sustainably support students in need of higher education, we initiate the creation of new scholarships. Initially, we define the criteria for eligible students and commence fundraising efforts. Once the fund reaches its target amount, it is invested, and the interest generated is utilized to assist students. This creates an ongoing cycle of support, ensuring that future generations of students can benefit from these resources.

Contribute to an existing endowment

Make a contribution to an existing scholarship that matches your goals, you can find a full list with criteria and descriptions below.

Start a new endowment

If you haven't found a suitable cause among our existing scholarships, you have the option to initiate a new one. You can customize it to your liking, naming it and specifying its purpose and criteria. To establish a new scholarship, a contribution of $25,000 (USD) is required. For further details, please reach out to the

Existing endowed scholarships at LCC

The Frieda Wall Endowed Scholarship will be established in 2013 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship will be established to honor Godly parents and their role in the character formation of their children.

The Frieda Wall Endowed Scholarship will be designed to assist students with tuition so they can attend LCC International University. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following:

1) Students who have a missing parent (one or both) – priority will be given to students who grew up in foster care or an orphanage.

2) Students showing financial need.

3) Students who have exhibited academic excellence in previous studies.

4) Students whose personal character reflects the moral and ethical standards of LCC International University.

Make a donation today


The Henry H. Voth Endowed Scholarship was established in 2019 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. It reflects Gerald and Ellen Neufeld's commitment to Christian higher education in a global context.


The Henry H. Voth Endowed Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduates who attend LCC International University. It will be awarded to students who:

1) Come from Ukraine or Russia

2) Have financial need

3) Show evidence of academic achievement and potential

4) Show promise of becoming leaders within their own communities and in society


The John and Sharon Cady Blom Endowed Scholarship was established in 2016 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship was established by John and Sharon Cady Blom as part of their commitment to Christian higher education in a global context.


The John and Sharon Cady Blom Endowed Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who attend LCC International University. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

1) Students from Ukraine or Lithuania showing financial need.

2) Students who have exhibited academic excellence in previous studies.

3) Students who are active in their local church and community.


The John and Sharon Cady Blom Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to eligible LCC International University students to pursue the following opportunities:

1) Students who study abroad at Hope College in Holland, MI (USA).

2) Students working as interns in the USA (with a preference to those serving in western Michigan).

3) Students continuing study at LCC International University.

Make a donation today

We’re celebrating this year! We’re 25 years old! These have been 25 amazing years – because of YOU and your success! We invite you to acknowledge your LCC days by contributing to the next generation of students. We know that most of you received financial aid during your years at LCC. In fact, just in the last 10 years, LCC has distributed almost 4 million EUR in financial aid to almost 1400 students. We are establishing an “LCC Alumni Endowed Scholarship” – and we invite you to donate to make this happen! Here’s the deal – the goal is to reach $25,000 USD, which will then generate interest FOREVER to support a student scholarship. We encourage you to give 25 (or 50 or 100 or more) USD or EUR!

Make a donation today

The LCC Lean In Endowed Scholarship for Women was established in 2018 to provide financial assistance to current LCC International University female students, empowering them through education to become leaders. This endowed scholarship was established by LCC students, as a tangible means of influencing future female leaders.

The LCC Lean In Endowed Scholarship for Women will be awarded each year to a female student currently attending LCC International University regardless of the country of origin who:
1) Maintains a minimum 8.5 GPA.

2) Demonstrates financial need.

3) Is a part of the LCC Lean In Circle and actively participates in its activities.

4) Is an active member of the LCC community.

Make a donation today

The Malcolm and Sylvia Campbell Endowed Scholarship was established in 2020 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship was established by Malcolm and Sylvia Campbell as part of their commitment to Christian higher education in a global context.

The Malcolm and Sylvia Campbell Endowed Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who attend LCC International University. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Ukrainian citizenship.
2. Demonstration of financial need based on LCC’s student financial aid application form.
3. Enrollment as a first-year student at LCC (or a continuing student if there is no first-year student eligible).
4. Minimum 6.5/10 grade-point average for a continuing student.

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The Ted and Marylene Thiesen Endowed Scholarship was established in 2012 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship was established by Marylene Thiesen as part of her and her husband’s commitment to Christian higher education.

The Ted and Marylene Thiesen Endowed Scholarship was designed to assist undergraduate students with tuition so they could attend LCC International University. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following:
1) Students showing financial need.
2) Students who have exhibited academic excellence in previous studies.
3) Students who evidence a Christian commitment to the Lordship of Christ in their lives.
4) Students whose personal character reflects the moral and ethical standards of LCC International University.

Make a donation today

The Merrill & Priscilla Ewert Endowed Scholarship was established in 2018 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. It reflects the Ewert's commitment to Christian higher education in global context.

Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduates who attend LCC International University. It will be awarded to students who:

1) Come from one of the Soviet Republics or the Middle East.

2) Have financial need.

3) Show evidence of academics achievement and potential.

4) Show promise of becoming leaders within their own communities and in society.

Make a donation today


The Robin Gingerich Endowed Scholarship was established by SLI teachers as part of theri commitment to SLI students and Christian higher education.


The Robin Gingerich Endowed Scholarship will be designed to cover a part of the first year tuition for former SLI students who demonstrate financial need and merit. The scholarship may be awarded to students who enter either the bachelor's program or move from the Intensive English Program into the bachelor's program. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following:

1) Students who have successfully attended any SLI program either on campus (Lithuania) or off campus

2) Students whose need and merit are deemed to deserve financial aid (based on the decision of the Student Financial Services Office).

The Ronald and Sandra Cady Mulder Endowed Scholarship was established in 2013 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship was established by Ronald and Sandra Mulder as part of their commitment to Christian higher education in a global context.

The Ronald and Sandra Cady Mulder Endowed Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who attend LCC International University. This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:
1) Students from Ukraine or Lithuania showing financial need.
2) Students who have exhibited academic excellence in previous studies.
3) Students enrolled in International Development Global Relations major.

4) Students who are active in their local church and community.

The Ronald and Sandra Mulder Cady Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to eligible LCC International University students to pursue the following opportunities in International Studies:
1) Students who study abroad at Hope College in Holland, MI (USA).

2) Students who study abroad at Bethel College in Mishawaka, IN (USA).
3) Students working as interns in the USA.
4) Students continuing study at LCC International University.

Make a donation today

“If LCC affected you at all; if you felt even the tiniest amount of transformation during your four months there as a study abroad student; if you made friends who struggled with the limitations they were born into; if you have a heart for the school or the students or Eastern Europe/Central Asia or the spread of the Gospel to all corners of the earth, then please consider donating to the Study Abroad Scholarship for Students from Eastern Europe or Central Asia.” - Esther Beeke (Fall 2012 Study Abroad Student).

Make a donation today


The William I. Neufeld Endowed Scholarship was established in 2021 to provide financial aid to students wishing to attend LCC International University. This endowed scholarship was established by Gerald and Ellen Neufeld as part of their commitment to Christian higher education in a global context.

SCHOLARSHIP ELIGIBILITY: The William I. Neufeld Endowed Scholarship was designed to provide financial assistance to undergraduate students who attend LCC International University.

This scholarship will be awarded on the basis of the following criteria:

1. Student is from Ukraine or Russia

2. Student has financial need

3. Evidence of academic achievement and potential

4. Student shows promise of becoming a leader within their own communities and in society

Make a donation today

LCC Heritage society

Sustainability for generations

Planned gifts is a unique opportunity for couples and individuals to leave a sustainable legacy, ensuring opportunity for future generations of students.

Designate gift to any area
  • Endowed scholarships
  • Endowed programs
  • Endowed chairs
  • Faculty development

Everyone who made such commitment becomes a member of LCC Heritage Society, regardless of your age or gift amount.

For more information contact the president

LCC already in your will?

Please inform us If you have included LCC in your will so we could add you as a member to LCC Heritage Society.

Donate 1.2% of your Lithuanian income tax

If you're a taxpayer in Lithuania, you have the option to allocate 1.2% of your taxes to support LCC. By submitting an online form by May 2nd, you can assist students in pursuing higher education while enabling LCC to advance its mission without affecting your personal budget.

Read instructions >

Expat faculty & staff supporters

LCC International University, as the premier Christian liberal arts institution in Eastern Europe, fosters holistic education and cultivates future leaders with a Christian worldview. Our dedicated faculty and staff are instrumental in achieving these goals. To sustain our mission, we welcome supporters who can provide financial assistance, care, and prayer. 

Donate to staff & faculty online >

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