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Impact for generations

The alumni of LCC will always be remembered by the Alumni Endowed Scholarship which was established and funded by LCC alumni. During the summer of 2020 the endowment reached $25,000 which means it is ready to generate interest to be used to support future LCC students. We are grateful for your support and your willingness to leave a meaningful imprint for future generations of LCC students.

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Alumni On-Campus Day

Monthly Events

Once a month, we invite an LCC graduate who has achieved significant success to spend a day on campus. On this day we host talks with students, creating an opportunity to share real front-line experience and infuse our students with a dose of motivation.

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If you wish to participate, please contact us and we will send additional information to help you prepare.

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Recent News & Events

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Ayattillo Azimov: A Distinguished LCC Alumnus Making Waves in Business


LCC International University is proud to announce that Ayattillo Azimov, Class of 2013, is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award for 2024. With a passion for entrepreneurship and a commitment to excellence, Ayat Azimov has exemplified the values of servant leadership, innovation, and global impact since his graduation from LCC.In her address during the Commencement Ceremony, Dr. Marlene Wall, President of LCC International University, conveyed the university's high regard for Ayat’s remarkable achievements and his unwavering dedication to making a positive difference in his home country of Kazakhstan and beyond. Ayat’s journey from an ambitious student at LCC to the CEO & Founder of Global Coffee is a testament to his visionary leadership and entrepreneurial spirit.Ayattillo Azimov's entrepreneurial journey began at LCC, where he pursued a degree in Business Administration. Inspired by his studies and motivated by a desire to create meaningful change, Ayat embarked on a path that would lead him to establish Global Coffee, a renowned coffee chain that has captured the hearts of coffee lovers and entrepreneurs alike.From humble beginnings to remarkable success, Ayat’s entrepreneurial endeavors have flourished, with Global Coffee becoming a symbol of quality, innovation, and community engagement. With over 140 coffee shops across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Georgia, Global Coffee continues to redefine the coffee industry, offering not just a product but an experience that resonates with customers worldwide.Ayat’s leadership philosophy, rooted in empowerment and integrity, has been instrumental in the growth and success of Global Coffee. By prioritizing the well-being of his employees and fostering a culture of collaboration and excellence, Ayat has created a thriving business that is built on a foundation of trust, respect, and shared values.Reflecting on his time at LCC, Ayat fondly recalls the transformative impact of his education and the supportive community that helped shape his journey. He credits LCC for instilling in him the skills, knowledge, and values that have guided him throughout his career, from the classroom to the boardroom.As Ayattillo continues to lead Global Coffee into new territories and opportunities, his commitment to excellence and innovation remains unwavering. With a vision for the future that is as bold as it is inspiring, Ayattillo Azimov stands as a shining example of the transformative power of education, entrepreneurship, and leadership.In recognition of his outstanding achievements and his enduring commitment to making a difference, LCC International University is proud to honor Ayattillo Azimov as the Distinguished Alumni Award recipient for 2024. May his journey inspire future generations of LCC students to dream big, work hard, and make a difference in the world.

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"The most transformative years of my life" - Interview with Evianda Noka, Class of 2021


Meet Evianda Noka from Albania, who graduated from LCC International University in 2021 with a degree in Contemporary Communication. Evianda describes her four years at LCC as the most transformative years of her life. So, what is it that made her studies at LCC so special? We recently sat down with Evianda to reflect on her time at LCC and how this education impacted her life post-graduation. 2017 was the year when Evianda decided to take a brave step into the unknown. LCC and Lithuania were the unknown to her since it was the first time she had left her home country and traveled alone.  Evianda describes how she was limited to only her home culture, and coming to LCC, she would live and study with people from all over the world. And although frightening at first, this would turn out to be one of her favorite parts of life at LCC. "The reason why I grew as a person was in part because of opportunities, but mostly it was because of the people that surrounded me. Classmates, dormmates, mentors, and professors. Grades, of course, are important, but at the end of the day, the memories with the people who encouraged me are the ones that are here to stay. Of course, it was challenging being away from my home country, away from my family, but the community at LCC became my family over the years. I learned a lot from them, from their struggles, cultures, and values. But you have to push yourself to meet people. For me, the initial challenge was meeting people outside of my own Albanian community. But it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to meet people from all the different countries." From the beginning of her studies,  Evianda wanted to be active and involved in the leadership opportunities at LCC. As a sophomore she served in the Spiritual Life Team; during her junior year she was a First Year Seminar leader, and as a senior, she served as a Resident Assistant in the dorms. All of the positions contributed to her personal growth over the years, especially being a Resident Assistant. As she described, "Being a resident assistant was the most challenging out of all the leadership positions. It was all a great growth opportunity, especially since I had to do it through the covid restrictions." Evianda also remembers having great mentors at LCC, who encouraged her to keep growing as a person. During her time at LCC, Evianda also started something called "Vox Pop", a video series interviewing students, faculty, and staff about their opinion on different matters related to life at LCC. She describes this project as her “love”. She said, "When we first started "Vox Pop" with my friends Albina and Natalia, no one knew about it. However, towards the end of my studies, even professors approached me asking about it." Thanks to her academic achievements and leadership positions at LCC, Evianda received a highly competitive merit-based scholarship to study Master's in Media and Communication at Lund University, Sweden. She shared, “The university selected 3 students out of 50 to get this scholarship. And I believe that I got it because of my four years at LCC. My professors were always encouraging me. Their office was always open. We would be sitting for hours talking about how to achieve our goals. I also know that God has used this time at LCC to build me up.” We also asked Evianda to share a piece of advice with the incoming freshmen. She said, "Always go for the thing that scares you the most. For me, at first, the thing that scared me the most was leaving my country and family. But I took that challenge. So, if you want to grow, go with the thing that scares you the most. Go for it. Just leave your comfort zone. If you don’t, your worldview is going to be limited and you will never know what beautiful things are out there. At LCC, you are out in the world.  LCC International University is a North American-style university in the heart of Europe. It offers liberal arts education, which for many of the students, such as Evianda, turns the four years of studies into the most transformative and impactful years of their lives. Learn more about studies at LCC here! 

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University full of curious students

Remember those days as an undergraduate student with many questions and few answers? Not much has changed. University is full of curious students who can benefit from the experience and guidance of alumni.  

Share your experience

Choose an area that you can help the students with and we will help you meet the students who need such guidance.  

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31 Active mentors


Alma Čenkuvienė

Certified Professional Coach; HR Professional at Self-Employed, Lithuania

  • Human Resources
  • Leadership
  • Coaching

Timothy Roy

Business Consultant at Garant Group, Bangladesh

  • Career opportunities
  • Self-development
  • Finding purpose in work

Distinguished alumni award

Every year we award two alumni for their extraordinary achievements: charity work, selfless acts, community building efforts or anything else that aligns with our values. The award serves as an inspiration and example to our students; a reminder of our mission.  

Read about award criteria >

Recent Award Winners

The sense of belonging

Henrikas is Lithuanian who resides in Lithuania. He is CEO & Founder of the successful start-up "Interactio", which developed the mobile app for simultaneous interpretation, overflow audiences, poster sessions, silent conferences & more. Henrikas is a great business entrepreneur and amazing inspiration of how a hard work and dedication can lead to a success. He is LCC ambassador in Europe and in the USA, where he is traveling on his business purposes, his company employs LCC alumni and students and he is well-known for his contribution to innovation and socially responsible business. He is always happy to come back on campus and share his knowledge and inspiration with LCC community.


Henrikas Rapolas Urbonas

Young Distinguished Alumni

2019 Award recipient

Inspiring author, successful academic, educator, and a church leader

Rev. Dr. Lina Toth is Lithuanian who resides in the United Kingdom, serves as Assistant Principal and Lecturer in Practical Theology at Scottish Baptist College. Previously she served as a Course Leader, Lecturer and later as Pro-Rector and Academic Dean at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague. She is musician and artist as well as a theologian and a successful academic, educator, and a church leader. Lina is particularly interested in exploring various aspects of ethics, spirituality, and theology of culture. She is author of several books and articles, and he book Transforming the Struggles of Tamars: Single Women and Baptistic Communities (Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2014), ISBN: 978-1-62564-108-3, is the source of inspiration for a lot of women. Lina keeps a communication with LCC, visits LCC and is always happy to share her knowledge in open lectures or meetings with LCC community.


Lina Toth

Distinguished Alumni

2019 Award recipient

Stay Involved

Community is a great treasure that stays with you after graduation; we help to keep it that way through regular events and alumni programs.

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More than 2,000

Total alumni

34 Countries

Alumni come from

Community of Leaders

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30 Mentors

Our alumni sign up as mentors to share their knowledge and experience with current LCC students and help them grow. Sign up to be a mentor today by completing this form.

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77% Successfully Employed

LCC alumni find jobs in various industries, from film production to education to politics. 77% percent find jobs within 7 months of graduation.

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34% Leaders in Organizations

Leadership is in our DNA. We are proud of our energetic alumni who lead communities, organizations or open their own enterprises. Update your contact form today and stay in touch with the LCC community of world-shapers.

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92% Recommend LCC

The majority of our 2,048 alumni say LCC has prepared them well for their future careers and recommend an LCC education to high school seniors.

Alumni work at:

“A safe space to find myself”

"LCC helped me to become a strong and confident individual. Here, I felt safe to express my thoughts, share my point of view and develop my life philosophy. I felt that my opinion was heard and it mattered. LCC laid the foundation for my critical thinking, appreciation for diversity, curiosity, teamwork, search for creative solutions and accountability to myself as well as to the world around me."

a photo of person or place for the testimony

Eleonora Jonušienė
Country of Origin: Lithuania
Based in USA

Graduated from LCC in 1999

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