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Studentai iš daugiau nei 50 šalių ir 73% dėstytojų iš užsienio.

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Paskaitos mažoms grupėms, kur 16 studentų vienam dėstytojui santykis lemia aukštą kokybę ir individualų požiūrį.

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781 studentas. 53% bakalauro studentų gyvena universiteto miestelyje, kur bendro gyvenimo patirtis sukuria draugystę, trunkančią visą gyvenimą.

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Vienintelis Šiaurės Amerikos stiliaus universitetas Rytų Europoje.

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Plataus spektro aukštasis išsilavinimas ruošiantis tikram gyvenimui.

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Miestelyje įsikūrę bendrabučiai, valgykla, sporto salė ir kitos patalpos.


Absolventų įsidarbina per pirmus metus po baigimo

Daugiau nei 2500

Iš viso absolventų nuo 1991 m.

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2024/2025 mokslo metų visų bakalauro programų kaina yra 4050 EUR už mokslo metus. 

 Magistrantūros programų kainos yra individualios, o LCC absolventams taikomos nuolaidos.


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540,000 EUR

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LCC studentų gauna finansinę paramą

*Remiantis duomenimis vidutinis metinis mokestis už studijas, studentams ne iš ES šalių, yra 8 600 EUR

**Pragyvenimo išlaidos skaičiuojamos remiantis duomenimis


Studentų gyvenimas


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Išbandykite studentišką gyvenimą LCC: dalyvaukite paskaitose, susipažinkite su dėstytojais ir darbuotojais, pamatykite studentų miestelį ir sužinokite apie stojimą į universitetą.


Taip, Jūs atspėjote! Mes, Lietuvoje įsikūręs Šiaurės Amerikos stiliaus universitetas, turime savo labai gerai žaidžiančią krepšinio komandą.


Reprezentuodami tikrą LCC dvasią esame tarptautinė komanda, treniruojama profesionalaus trenerio. Mūsų komanda atstovauja LCC tarptautiniam universitetui tiek nacionalinėse, tiek tarptautinėse lygose.


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“Čia visiems rūpi, kad jums pasisektų”

„Vertingiausia pamoka, kurią išmokau studijuodama LCC tarptautiniame universitete yra tai, kad didžiausias kiekvienos organizacijos turtas yra jos žmonės. Dauguma alumnų man visuomet pabrėždavo, kad būtent LCC žmonės sukuria tikrąją patirtį universitete. Dabar, jau pati žvelgdama kaip alumnė, su tuo visiškai sutinku. Universiteto personalas ir dėstytojai padeda studentams augti ne tik kaip profesionalams, bet ir kaip asmenybėms. Universitete išmokau rūpintis kiekvienu žmogumi, su kuriuo dirbu ar bendrauju. Manau, kad LCC tarptautinis universitetas yra ta vieta, kur galite susikurti norimą patirtį. Čia visuomet rasite tinkamus žmones, kurie padės įgyvendinti net beprotiškiausią idėją ar projektą, taip pat ras išteklių jai įgyvendinti. Ypač vertinu tai, kad universitete visiems rūpi, jog jums pasisektų.“

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Julija Rusianovska
Šiuo metu studijuoja Fordham universiteto Gabelli verslo mokykloje
LCC baigė 2020 m.

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Merry Christmas from our TESOL family


Christmas is a special season for our TESOL students. Many of our TESOL students are currently located around the globe; others have lived overseas for a significant time. They would like to share Christmas traditions from around the world with you. In Belarus, we celebrate Christmas twice! Protestants and Catholics celebrate on December 25, while Orthodox Christians celebrate on January 7; both days are public holidays! We usually attend a Christmas service and share a meal with family and friends; gift-giving and Santa Claus (Grandfather Frost) are associated with the New Year, not Christmas. С Рождеством Христовым!  In Ukraine, on Christmas Eve, many people go to church for a midnight service. After that, they return home to share a special dinner called Sviata Vecheria (‘Holy Dinner’) which consists of 12 meatless dishes including borscht, varenyky, and kutia (boiled wheat mixed with poppy seeds and honey); the 12 dishes represent the 12 apostles. In addition, caroling plays a significant role in the celebration with groups of friends or neighbors dressing up to sing koliadky and bring Christmas greetings to every door. In Lithuania, I always celebrate Christmas with my family. My mother prepares a variety of dishes, and I help her set the table. When the other family members arrive, we gather around the table to enjoy the food and each other's company. We also exchange gifts and have a small photoshoot at home to capture this special time. In Morocco, since Christmas is not celebrated in North Africa, my co-workers and I like to bring Christmas to the university where we work. We plan a Christmas cultural exchange party every year in December and invite our students and local colleagues to enjoy Christmas cookies, music, and holiday discussions. It has always been a fun tradition, and I feel blessed that we can share the meaning of Christmas with them.  In Mongolia, Christmas is becoming more popular amongst the younger generation. It is not a traditional holiday so many Mongolians confuse New Year's with Christmas. The typical way to celebrate is with large parties with colleagues. Students and young families may celebrate with close friends. It is common to see money hanging on Christmas trees in people's homes, a tradition where friends and family leave money when they visit. Around this time of year, fireworks fill the sky, and Christmas decorations fill the streets and entrances of stores. In the main square of Ulaanbaatar, there are ice sculptures and ice formations for children and families to enjoy. My friend Sara, the youngest in her family, told me that she receives a special bag of goodies at Christmas because she is the youngest. This specific tradition may vary depending on a family's financial situation. While Christmas is not as significant as New Year's in Mongolia, it is beginning to gain popularity. Merry Christmas from our TESOL family!  Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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Adventures in Kyrgyzstan


LCC TESOL instructor, Erin Bronsink, travels with a purpose. Read about Erin’s adventures last summer in Kyrgyzstan in her own words.“This past spring I had the opportunity to travel to Kyrgyzstan for a short-term project and research opportunity. There were two major components to this trip. The first part was to lead a small conference for teachers in the TokMok area, hosted by a local organization, Mercy Foundation. The content of the conference focused largely on assessment. Each morning, the conference began with community time to allow for networking and collaboration for the teachers who were attending. In addition to this, the conference offered a mixture of plenary sessions and workshops.Session topics ranged from teaching and encouraging young learners to do research, to incorporating technology into classrooms, working with challenging students, to a variety of seminars on assessment. One of the workshops that I co-lead was titled Innovative Methods of Assessment. The focus of this was to provide new ways to creatively assess students to gauge learning.  In this workshop, we helped teachers think outside the box regarding assessment and move beyond traditional tests. Another session, Effective Ongoing Evaluation, addressed the importance of developing a constant awareness of where students are at in language learning. Rather than limiting testing to a formal, high-stakes exam, we encouraged teachers to implement both formal and informal methods of evaluating and measuring progress.The second portion of the trip was also focused on assessment, but in two different contexts. We partnered with two different schools in TokMok. The first school was the Humanities and Technical College (HTC), which is a vocational school that prepares students for future careers in technology; the second school was the International University of Central Asia (IUCA) which is a university based on the American model of higher education.Both schools asked for an English language proficiency exam to get a better sense of their students’ English level. For this purpose, we designed a multi-part language proficiency test that was administered over the course of several days. In addition to determining the proficiency levels of the students, we also decided to incorporate mindfulness activities prior to testing to lower the affective filter. Many students reported feeling quite anxious prior to taking these assessments, as the results of these tests would have implications for their future course schedule. As a result of this experience, I am now collaborating with others to further research if mindfulness activities can help reduce anxiety among students prior to taking assessments.”Erin Bronsink earned her MA TESOL from Azusa Pacific University. She has taught English in the U.S., Kazakhstan, China, Tunisia, Myanmar, and Iraq. She enjoys grammar and learning new languages. Erin teaches writing and research courses at LCC.Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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