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The Center for Research in Faith and Human Flourishing (CFHF) exists to advance LCC’s mission through research and academic engagement. The CFHF is interdisciplinary and encourages diverse approaches to any questions about faith and human flourishing, broadly construed. LCC enjoys affiliations with North American networks such as the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) and is well positioned to participate in projects funded by external agencies. Opportunities for CFHF research partnerships include: faculty exchange; research fellowships, and assistance in applying for public and private research grants. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

a photo of person or place for the testimony

Dr. Kirk Lougheed
Director, Center for Research in Faith and Human Flourishing

Purpose Statement

The Center for Research in Faith and Human Flourishing (CFHF) exists to advance LCC’s mission to provide Christian liberal arts education within a diverse learning community that transforms people for servant leadership by:

  • empowering the faculty and student body for more and better academic engagement with important contemporary intellectual voices;
  • fostering scholarly conversations within the disciplines represented at LCC, but especially promoting interdisciplinary dialogue that feeds LCC’s liberal arts model;
  • encouraging active and experiential learning outside the seminar room, such as community projects and relationships with regional churches;
  • stimulating faculty research productivity as well as faculty and student research collaboration.

The CFHF reflects LCC’s identity as an international Christian liberal arts university. The CFHF integrates perspectives from all branches of Christianity represented at LCC (and beyond), and promotes dialogue between people of different faiths with respect to all aspects of human flourishing.

Research Agenda

A research agenda provides focus for the CFHF and its activities. While other research projects undertaken by any department, research cluster, or individual member of the University community may be supported by the CFHF, preference will be given to projects and researchers focusing in these areas. In order to reap the benefits of consistent, concentrated efforts, the CFHF will maintain this focus in its initial five years (2017-2022).

Migration is a key element in human flourishing: the free movement of individuals and families to escape insecurity and poverty in pursuit of survival and economic opportunity.

  • Economic migration, family migration, migration
  • Humanitarian migration (refugees); IDPs; migration due to ecological disaster
  • International contexts: Baltic states, European Union, post-Soviet states
  • Economic development
  • Diaspora and return migration, particularly as contributing to economic development in home countries
  • Securitization of migration; how states and host populations treat migrants as problematic/dangerous; migrants at risk of deportation
  • Integration of migrants (socio-economic/family/humanitarian migrants); reception, suspicion, racism, xenophobia
  • Religious persecution and conflict
  • Religion as contributing factor to attitudes toward migrants and migration

Safety, love, and sense of belonging are significant contributing factors to human survival and satisfaction.

  • Interpersonal relationships, especially families, as key to flourishing
  • Influences on attitudes towards marriage
  • Marital and couple adjustment
  • The role of faith in quality of marriage experience
  • Gerontology; capability and flourishing in advanced age, aging populations
  • Attitudes towards mental health issues; obstacles to seeking psychological help
  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction
  • Depression, suicide
  • Physiological measures of psychological function
  • Communication norms and patterns within nuclear and extended families, in post- totalitarian societies

Texts and other artistic expressions, including the foundational texts of faith such as the Bible, reflect and shape conceptions of meaning, purpose, flourishing, and relationships. As a liberal arts institution, LCC is committed to foundational principles and tools of inquiry that empower free individuals to pursue meaning within a free society.

  • Biblical, theological, literary, historical, and philosophical studies, within the following contexts: Lithuania, the Baltic States, Eastern Europe, and post-totalitarian and post-secular societies
  • Christian ecumenical dialogue, and interreligious dialogue
  • Rhetoric and persuasive communication
  • Conceptions of ethnic and national identity
  • Modes and methods of artistic expression, including visual and performing arts

Research Fellows


Fellowship Application

Research Fellows of the Center for Research in Faith and Human Flourishing may be in-residence or non-resident members of the LCC faculty. As a fellow at CFHF you can get following benefits and support:

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International Environment & Network

Opportunity to conduct research at LCC where 60% of faculty and staff are expats and students come from over 30+ countries.

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Library Access

Access to LCC library with 27 000 English volumes, interlibrary-loan program and 13 online databases.

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On-Campus Housing

Possible on-campus housing opportunities reviewed on case-by-case basis.

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Teaching & Presentations

Opportunity to teach specialised courses and present seminars/lectures

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Financial Support

Fellows have the same funding opportunities as LCC faculty members

Apply to Become Research Fellow

The Center for Research in Faith and Human Flourishing is currently accepting applications for Research Fellows.

Priority is given to these areas of study:

  • Faith integration
  • Human migration
  • Economic development
  • Trauma
  • Textual and artistic conceptions of human flourishing

Email the CFHF Director for more information.