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Research Fellow/ Professor
From: Finland
At LCC Since: 2018
Dr. Markku Ruotsila has been a Research Fellow at the Center for Faith and Human Flourishing at LCC International University since 2018. Dr. Ruotsila received his MA from the University of Tampere, Finland, and his Ph.D. in history from the University of Cambridge. After completing his degrees, he has worked as a Finnish Academy research fellow, as a visiting fellow at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford, and as visiting scholar at the Center for the United States and the Cold War, New York University, and at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He has taught U.S. church and political history regularly at the University of Helsinki since 2006, where he is adjunct professor (docent) in North American church history, and at the University of Tampere, where he has been adjunct professor (docent) of American and British history since 2002. His research interests are in the history of evangelicalism and fundamentalism in the U.S. and transnationally, as well as in the political history of modern conservatism. Currently he is working on a transnational history of Christian fundamentalism and the Christian Right during the Cold War.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
The journal of ecclesiastical history, 74(2), 349-369, 2023.
Christian fundamentalism in Japan.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
International journal of Asian Christianity, 5(1), p. 115-135., 2022.
Kansakunnan rakentajia: Rydman-suvun historia.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Helsinki: Rydman-sukuyhdistys ry., 2021.
Trump and Christian Right The Public Theology behind the Mutual Attraction. In A. Helo, & M. Saikku, An Unfamiliar America. Essays in American Studies. (113-132).
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
New York and London: Routledge., 2020.
Kulttuurisodat Trumpin aikakaudella.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Iustitia, (38), 197-210., 2020.
Importing Fundamentalism:
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
The Scandinavian Evangelical Council. Vekkelsen's rom, 175-189., 2020.
Talvisota ja neokonservatismin transatlanttiset juuret.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Faravid, 48, pp. 25-40., 2019.
Ray Martin ja Finnish-English Bible Society.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Aatteiden ja herätysten virrassa: Jouko Talosen juhlakirja, pp. 38-44., 2019.
Maailmanlaajuinen pelastustehtävä: Politiikan uskonnollisuus Yhdysvalloissa. In Politiikan Uskonnollisuus Yhdysvalloissa (pp. 23-41).
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Helsinki: Gaudeamus – Helsinki University Press., 2019.
Sydänmaiden kapina: Donald Trump, amerikkalainen konservatismi ja äärioikeiston nousu
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Gaudeamus – Helsinki University Press, 2018.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
International History Review, 2018.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
xford University Press, 2016.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press 2008, 2008.
Raamattuvyöhyke ja Yhdysvaltain konservatiivikristityt.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
Kleio:, 2, 16-19, 2023.
Ecumenism and Separatism.
LCC author(s): Markku Ruotsila, Ph.D.
The Oxfort Handbook of Christian Fundamentalism, 2023.
From: Finland
At LCC Since: 2018
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