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2019 Distinguished Alumni
2001 English Language and Literature
Rev. Dr. Lina Toth is Lithuanian who resides in the United Kingdom, serves as Assistant Principal and Lecturer in Practical Theology at Scottish Baptist College. Previously she served as a Course Leader, Lecturer and later as Pro-Rector and Academic Dean at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague. She is musician and artist as well as a theologian and a successful academic, educator, and a church leader. Lina is particularly interested in exploring various aspects of ethics, spirituality, and theology of culture. She is author of several books and articles, and he book Transforming the Struggles of Tamars: Single Women and Baptistic Communities (Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2014), ISBN: 978-1-62564-108-3, is the source of inspiration for a lot of women. Lina keeps a communication with LCC, visits LCC and is always happy to share her knowledge in open lectures or meetings with LCC community.
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