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Required Residency Sessions


“It is so good to see you again! How was your flight? Did your luggage arrive?”
“We are roommates again this summer!”
“Let’s go to old town Klaipeda for dinner tonight. Meet downstairs at seven o’clock.”
“Who wants to walk to the store with me?”

These greetings are common during LCC International University’s MA TESOL Summer Residency Sessions. Our program requires all students and faculty to come to campus, in-person for two weeks in early August. This year the Residency Session began on Monday, July 29 and continued through August 9.

We began our two weeks on Monday morning with coffee! During the next two weeks, classes meet in person, in a classroom, and in real time. Classes are held each weekday from 9:00-12:00. Each cohort takes one course in the first week; the same cohort begins their second course in the second week. After the Residency Session, those classes continue asynchronously, on-line for 6 more weeks.

In the afternoons of the Summer Residency Sessions, we host several workshops to ensure student success. First year students attend an afternoon orientation workshop including tips for successful online learning using Moodle, our learning platform. Second year students attend a workshop focused on APA academic writing. Second year students also spend an afternoon with Dr. David Broersma, setting them up for successful thesis projects. Third year students put the finishing touches on their thesis defenses on Monday afternoon of the second week. And in the middle of it all, students meet individually with thesis advisors and mentors.

During these weeks, we have lunch together; we take the ferry to Smilytinė for dinner and a walk to the Baltic Sea. Everyone attends the thesis defenses to hear our graduates present their research. This year we left Klaipeda one afternoon to explore the Cold War Museum in Plataliai and the Orginskis Manor House in Plunge. Our week culminates with the Graduate Commencement Ceremony on Friday afternoon.

Attendance at the MA TESOL Summer Residency Sessions is not optional; it is required. Why?  

·         We believe that students who personally know their classmates and professors will have a more positive experience studying online during the year because they built a relationship with them in the Residency Program.

·         We believe that transformational education begins with strong positive relationships between instructors and students that are fostered by in person conversations, dialogues, and laughter.

·         We believe that LCC is a learning community where instructors and students learn from each other in healthy debate, reflection, and common learning goals that are realized best in real time in person. 

·         We believe that true education is for body, soul, and spirit; relationships create the foundation for creative thoughts, open minds, and healthy interpersonal relationships.

At the end of the week, we say goodbyes before we scatter to catch taxis, trains, buses, and flights. We are so grateful for these two precious weeks which launch our school year and bind us together as classmates and colleagues.

Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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