LCC International University > News and Events > Pick a number and make a positive impact
Many of us want to be remembered for something positive. We want to contribute to something meaningful. We aim to be generous and mindful of those less fortunate. But if you are like me, we have our routines, our personal goals, and our even ending TO DO lists.
What if we just chose a number, and did a little dreaming? What could we do?
This month I met two people who are making an incredibly positive impact for hundreds of people around the world. All based on the number FIVE.
P.L. and Kristen are crazy bikers, and they are on a personal journey to change lives around the world. They have planned 5 rides on 5 continents, over 5 years to earn $500,000 for 5 charities. This month they are riding the European Divide Trail from northern Norway to Portugal, over 7600 KM. They ride off-road, over the Swiss Alps, carrying their gear with them. They have no “sag wagon” for back up. They are supporting charities in Nepal, Ethiopia, Canada, and around the world.
Check out their Instagram posts at: P.L. & Kristen Meindertsma (@cycle5tosurvive) • Instagram photos and videos
LCC International University is humbled to be one of the charities that receives funds from their project. One hundred percent (100%) of the funding to LCC will be given to student scholarships.
I challenge you to think like P.L. and Kristen. Ok, so maybe you don’t want to ride a bike. You can do something to make this world a better place.
Pick a number. Pick 6. Or 4. Or 8. Then dream.
Imagine what you could do in 6 cities, over 6 years, with 6 friends to contribute to 6 agencies who are addressing food insecurity.
Imagine what you could do over 4 months, with 4 schools to support 4 teachers.
Imagine what you could do in 8 regions, over 8 weeks with 8 family members with 8 orphanages to support children.
Based on the number FIVE, Cycle5to survive is making the world a better place.
What are your ideas? Go crazy!
Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.