LCC International University > Summer Language Institute > Academic Rules

Academic Rules


Review and practice will improve your English skills. Students will be required to complete homework after classes to prepare for the next day. In our residence halls, we have a time each day scheduled for students to complete homework. Students who consistently do not complete their homework must stay after classes for one hour.    


Learning a language is hard work but we are eager to help you. Attendance is required in every class. If you come to SLI, you must be prepared to attend all of the classes each day and work hard to learn English.    

SLI Summer Jump

Outstanding Students

At the end of the program, SLI teachers will nominate Outstanding SLI Students. These individuals will be recognized at the Closing Assembly. Outstanding SLI students:

  • Attend 100% of the lessons
  • Arrive to class on time
  • Always have homework completed on time
  • Engage with the material in class
  • Ask for extra work
  • Contribute appropriately to class discussion
  • Cooperate well with other students
  • Put forth outstanding effort to improve their English   

Classroom Courtesies

Students are expected to attend every class and to arrive promptly.

  • Students should come prepared with a notebook and a pen or pencil.
  • Students are expected to listen to classmates when they are talking. Please do not bring electronic devices to class. Turn off your cell phones before class begins. Teachers may take away your cell phone if you are using it in class.
  • Students may bring water to class, but no other food or drinks.
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Student Conduct

If you cannot follow the rules:

  • Teachers have the right to dismiss students from class for the following reasons: Obnoxious behaviour, inattention, rudeness, foul language, and disrespect to others.
  • The SLI director will take disciplinary action which could include calling parents, suspension from SLI, or dismissal from SLI.