LCC International University > Staff and Faculty > Employee
From: United States
At LCC Since: 2018
A Fulbright Dissertation Fellow and David L. Boren Fellow, she holds a PhD in linguistics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and has taught in the USA and the Middle East for 25 years. She has given numerous teacher workshops on language assessment in numerous countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.
Assessment development process.
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): In M. DelliCarpini, J. Churchill, Riopel, & C. Coombe (Eds.)
TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. , 2018.
Unscrambling jumbled sentences: An authentic task for English language assessment?
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 7(2), 251-273., 2017.
Teaching implied meaning using written texts in public spaces: social, societal, and international factors in English, Arabic, and Lithuanian. In Engaging in critical language studies (p. 107-127).
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D. Radvyda Vaišvilaitė
Other author(s): Husni, R.,
Charlotte, N.C.: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2022.
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Hedieh Najafi, Ph.D.
Frontiers in Communication. Volume 9., 2024.
Reflecting on Challenges in language testing around the world. In Challenges in language testing around the world : insights for language test users (p. 549-553).
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Coombe, C., & Brown, J.
Singapore: Springer., 2021.
Score changes with repetition of paper version(s) of the TOEFL in an Arab Gulf State: a natural experiment. In Challenges in language testing around the world : insights for language test users (p. 147-165).
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Sulieman, H.
Singapore: Springer., 2021.
Issues with selected-response test items in assessing course content vs. English language: two EMI contexts.
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Husni, R.
The European journal of applied linguistics and TEFL, 10(1), p. 143-159., 2021.
Introducing Challenges in language testing around the world. In Challenges in language testing around the world : insights for language test users (p. 1-12).
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Coombe, C., & Brown, J.
Singapore: Springer, 2021.
Challenges in language testing around the world: insights for language test users.
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Coombe, C., & Brown, J.
Singapore: Springer Nature., 2021.
Morpho-syntactic features of transactional ELF in Dubai/Sharjah. Multilingual global cities.
LCC author(s): Betty Lanteigne, Ph.D.
Other author(s): Parra-Guinaldo, V.
Routledge, 303-320., 2020.
From: United States
At LCC Since: 2018
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