LCC International University > Research at LCC > Institutional Review Board

Institutional Review Board

All researchers – both from within LCC and guests from outside LCC – who wish to conduct research involving human participants and/or the use of animals, must receive approval for their project from the LCC Institutional Research Board (IRB), prior to any data collection.

Further guidance about research involving human or animal participants can be found at Ethics in Social Sciences and Humanities.


The applicant must submit a Research Approval Request Form, as well as supplementary materials such as instruments, informed consent forms, permission to collect data forms, etc., via email. The Research Approval Request Form may be requested from the same email address.

The application is reviewed by members of the IRB committee, and final decisions are made and communicated by the IRB chair. If the request is denied, the applicant may revise the request and resubmit.

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Application forms

Send completed forms to, and if you have any related questions direct them to the same email.