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LCC International University > News and Events > The best English teachers in Lithuania: LAKMA

The best English teachers in Lithuania: LAKMA


The best English teachers in Lithuania are members of LAKMA. LAKMA is the Lietuvos anglų kalbos mokytojų asociacija or, in English, the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. LAKMA is one of my favorite organizations. Here is why I am excited about LAKMA.

L. Linguists. LAKMA members are professional language teachers and linguists. Many have advanced degrees in linguistics, applied linguistics, or philology. They know about syntax, semantics, phonetics, and phonemes. They use the phonetic alphabet fluently. They understand the English linguistics better than most native speakers. With a solid background in linguistics, they are experts when it comes to explaining English to their pupils.

A: Altruistic. LAKMA members are teachers because they are unselfish. English teachers work long hours; then, they graciously tutor individual students after lessons. When needed, they willingly mentor younger teachers or university practicum students. They generously give “overtime” to write projects for excursions, international trips, or contests.

K: Kūrybingas. The word for “creative” in Lithuanian is “kūrybingas.” LAKMA members are creative. They are passionate about making their lessons full of activities and creative projects. They are constantly upgrading their use of technology to energize their lessons. The latest workshop focused on the European Center for Modern Language Inventory of ICT Tools. Teachers inspire their pupils to enter creative writing and public speaking contests.

M: Motivated. LAKMA members are motived. They wake up each morning, eager to engage with students, to create engaging lesson plans, and to offer their expertise to others. They are motivated internally and intrinsically. They are often the life of the party, who keep the ideas flowing, and who motivates others. When LAKMA needs help organizing a conference, members step up. When LAKMA offers a seminar, members sign up. This year, many teachers are motivated to teach new skills in mediation.

A: Authentic. LAKMA members are authentic. Teaching is not always easy or fun. Sometimes there are school issues or politics that are frustrating. LAKMA members are honest; they can readily point out their challenges and offer solutions. When they are having a hard year, they will explain why. They don’t cover up or sugar coat their own personal or professional struggles. What you see is what you get. And they continue to be motivated, creative, and altruistic even when the going gets tough.

Become a LAKMA member today! If you are a BA or MA student in Lithuania, become a member for only 5 Euros. Join this amazing group of altruistic, creative, motivated, authentic linguists!

Learn more about LAKMA here:

Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.

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