LCC International University > News and Events > Apply now for answers for all your questions about teaching English
Are you wondering about the nuts and bolts of teaching English? Are you interested in improving your skills? Do you have practical questions about how to plan lessons? Register now for LCC’s online, MA TESOL course entitled “ENG 540 Methods of Second Language Pedagogy.”
The registration deadline is February 17. Apply here:
This asynchronous course is available to anyone; you don’t have to be a full-time student in our MA program. You can take this single course. This 7-week course is affordable; pay only 336 Euros ($346 USD). The course begins Monday, February 24 and finishes on Sunday, April 13. Our instructor is Dr. Geraldine Ryan, who is an experienced teacher trainer and who has “tons of teaching ideas that she will share with you.
See how this course will turn these eight (8) common TESOL questions into answers.
1. Did you wonder how the TESOL profession started? The course starts with an historical overview of TESOL methods, but quickly moves to the present day understanding of our “post method” era.
2. Did you wonder how teaching online is different than teaching in face-to-face classrooms? Explore ways to engage students who are on the screen and students who walk into your room.
3. Do you need fresh ideas for teaching the receptive skills of listening and reading? Learn about building your students’ skills.
4. Do you need ideas for giving meaningful feedback on your students speaking and writing? Discover effective feedback methods for adults and teens.
5. How can you develop a deep understanding of teaching students from many countries and cultures in the same room? Enjoy dialoging with your cohort about culturally responsive teaching.
6. Do you marvel how teachers can work with one group of students who obviously have different abilities at the same time? Collect ideas centered on differentiation.
7. Do you want to add useful apps and games for your technology savvy students? Take time to explore new apps, games, and AI generated tools.
8. Do you adapt your content courses (math, science, history) to non-native speakers of English? Understand the basics of content and language integrated learning (CLIL).
The registration deadline is February 17. Apply here:
Author: Robin Gingerich, Ph.D., MA TESOL Program Director at LCC International University.
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