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2006 Distinguished Alumni

1996 Theology

My dreams are not one-day wishes

Linas Bodendorf has worked in computer, in travel and hospitality, and most recently in the oil industry. In his spare time, he has created a bookstore in Klaipėda that offers used books and excellent Christian literature. An outstanding point guard of LCC basketball teams as a student, Linas has also worked with basketball program for young people. The recipient of the award is also an active participant and leader in his home church.
“When I received the presidents letter about the award, I told Jim that I'm undergoing some big changes in my life. I do not think I have achieved something yet. My dreams are not one-day wishes. I would take this nomination as an encouragement to keep on. Im no longer working for the biggest enterprise in the Baltics. At the moment, Im starting everything from scratch. One needs great encouragement and faith when going into the unknown. So, from the bottom of my heart, I am thankful for this encouragement,” Linas Bodendorf expressed his gratitude during LCCs eleventh annual Commencement exercises.