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2016 Distinguished Alumni

2004 Business Administration and Theology

Innovative, strategic and entrepreneurial-driven Senior Business Partner & Marketing Professional

Janis Lanka graduated from LCC in 2004 with joint degrees in Business Administration and Theology. Originally from Latvia, Janis has lived in several countries before landing in Vancouver, Canada 8 years ago.  Janis and his roommate, Raimondas, developed a web-design company based on their original business plan they created while at LCC.  And technically, his professional life started at LCC, where he worked as Website Coordinator and co-teaching a “Website Development for Business” class. 
Janis is a digital strategist, business analyst, and entrepreneur committed to developing innovative customer-centric products and services. He loves working with big brands as well as startups to help them reach their customers. He has worked for large global digital agencies such as Blast Radius, helping clients such as Nike, Microsoft, Starbucks, Michelin, Tommy Hilfiger, and The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics to solve complex ecommerce, technology, and marketing challenges. Currently Janis is heading ecommerce and digital at STEMCELL Technologies, Canada’s largest biotech company, which provides scientists with tools that enable them to solve global health concerns.
Colleagues and friends consider Janis a collaborative team leader who volunteers his time for many different social projects including youth business mentorship, and World Vision sponsorship. He has taken up sailing as a new passion, and is currently working on an endowed entrepreneurship scholarship for LCC.
LCC is pleased to recognize Janis Lanka as this year’s award recipient. He continues to stay in touch with LCC and visits campus whenever he is in Lithuania to meet with students, staff and faculty. Janis participates in various LCC initiatives, and his life and activities exemplify the values of LCC through his leadership and philanthropy.