LCC International University > Tuition, Housing & Financial Aid > Bank Transfer Information

Bank Transfer Information

AB SEB bankas

Bank address:
Konstitucijos pr. 24, LT-08105 Vilnius

Bank code: 

Account number:                                            LT537044060000544963 (EUR only) 

For international payments:

AB Swedbank

Bank address:
Konstitucijos pr. 20A, LT-03502 Vilnius

Bank code: 

Account number:
LT437300010034905217 (EUR only)

For international payments:

Bank transfer must include:

Your full name

LCC ID (mokėtojo kodas) – check LCC Web Portal (LCC ID consists of 3 letters and 8 digits)

Payment code (įmokos kodas):

  • 101000 – payment for tuition and housing
  • 401000 – payment for other services

The amount of the payment

The description of the payment

The date of the payment


  • "VŠĮ LCC tarptautinis universitetas" (paying from a Lithuanian bank account) 
  • "LCC International University" (paying from an international bank account)

Example of payment description for FALL 2025

"Fall 2025 Tuition for the Student [YOUR NAME]#[YOUR LCC ID]"


  •  Keep the bank slip for yourself as a proof of the payment.  
  • If another person is making the payment for you, they have to put YOUR FULL NAME in the description section.
  • International transfers take up to 3-5 working days and local transfers up to 1-2 working days. Therefore, we advise you to plan accordingly.
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