LCC International University > Staff and Faculty > Employee

Neumann, Ph.D.

Department Chair/ Associate Professor

From: United States

At LCC Since: 2015

Key Areas

  • US Foreign Policy
  • Isolationism


Scott Neumann has served at LCC International University since he moved to Lithuania with his family in 2015.  He grew up in Southern Illinois, in the United States.  He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Greenville College, and his Ph.D. in the History of International Relations from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.  Scott’s and his wife, Lisa, came to LCC on sabbatical in 2009, and came to love the school and its students.  Along with their four children, John, Sarah, Yuri and Hannah, they live in Klaipeda. 

Before coming to LCC, Scott taught at Greenville College for fifteen years.  His research interests are in the history of US foreign policy, particularly American isolationism.  His PhD dissertation was focused on the influence of isolationist thinking on the foreign policy of Dwight Eisenhower.   

Scott is the Chair of the International Relations and Development Department at LCC.  He teaches a variety of courses in the program, including Practicum I and Thesis.