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From: Ukraine

At LCC Since: 2023


Joining the faculty in 2023, Maryna Moroz is an instructor of Management Accounting. A graduate of LCC twice, she completed BA in Business Administration and MA in International Management. Her research focuses on The influence of the students and educators perception of their role in economic development on their productivity. During her free time she enjoys studying languages, history and tourism. She loves spending time with her family and travel together with them. Maryna believes, “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all" (Aristotle, 384BC - 322BC).


The Contribution of Students and Educators to Economic Sustainability Based on their Awareness of their Own Role in Economic Development

LCC author(s): Maryna Moroz

Regional Formation and Development Studies, 40(2), 77-88, doi:10.15181/rfds.v40i2.2532, 2023.