LCC International University > News and Events > Weekly Update From LCC
Important Updates
Due to the quarantine, the regular meeting of the Board of Directors scheduled for the end of March was postponed. Meetings will be held online and the initial session happened last week. Cabinet Executive met with Board and Board Emeritus members for one hour last Tuesday evening. Essentially, it was a reporting session, giving the Board members the opportunity to better understand the realities on the ground in Lithuania and at LCC. It was humbling to see 29 participants, including many Emeritus members who continue to support the mission of LCC in so many ways. It was clear that the goodwill of those on the call will contribute to carrying us through this current reality.
The expanded summer session course offer list came out this week for LCC students. With the uncertainties of making summer plans amidst travel restrictions and quickly vanishing summer employment opportunities, we wanted to make sure students have more options to earn credits throughout this summer. Students can use May and June sessions to quickly advance their degree plans. The courses will be offered in remote learning mode, so that students may take them from wherever they are.
The quarantine has influenced everyone to adapt to new realities. For LCC this has meant canceling Study Abroad programs for the summer. Other summer programs are still happening. All these changes have financial implications. LCC management is working hard to ensure we finish this academic year well, by minimizing expenses for the remainder of the year.
Easter Luncheon
It is difficult for us to realize that this year the LCC community will be celebrating Easter apart from each other. Every year, students, staff, and faculty gather on the premises of our university to celebrate Easter together. In times like this, all we can do is adjust and re-adjust. Therefore, our staff and faculty have decided to bring Easter to those who are living in the residence halls on campus.
This Sunday, April 12, faculty and staff are preparing a special Easter luncheon to deliver to the 140 students living on campus. We are serving meat, mashed potatoes, veggies, fruit, and cookies! Moreover, those who are staying in their home countries can join the live stream service. More information about the event:
As this is Easter week, our President Dr. Marlene Wall, shared her #MondayMessage of Hope this week. Link to the message of Hope:
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