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Update from Ukraine: Albina Golik


[Submitted by Albina Golik, LCC alumna 2020. Currently in Cherkasy region, Ukraine. Albina works for an NGO that helps to evacuate children and families from combat zones of Ukraine.]


The first three days of the war were madness.
In a few hours, we had to establish a remote call center and a team to help evacuate children and families from the combat zones of Ukraine. My colleagues and I were doing over 100 calls per day checking whether families in hot spots need help evacuating.


The worst part about it was the emotional calls from moms who lost contact with their kids. Some of those kids were as young as 10 years old, some were disabled, sitting in the basements hiding from the constant shooting.


The happiest moments were receiving prayers and thanks from people who could get out from hot spots. A message that a group of 60 kids whose evacuation and shelter I coordinated made it to a safe place made my day.


During these almost three weeks I've learned... too much. But I think one of the most important lessons that I've learned was that it's not only us, volunteers and organizations, who are rescuing those children and families. God is there: in every phone call, every email, and every interaction. God is on his rescue mission rescuing us from our mess. And that was the most hopeful thing that I realized. And that's the thing that makes me want to pick up my phone in the morning, again, open my social media accounts to help save more lives.

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