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The Art of Multitasking


While lecturing at LCC International University and Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences, Indre Razbadauskaite-Venske is also working on her Ph.D. at Klaipėda University. Accepting challenges, conducting neuromarketing research, coordinating weddings, and volunteering, are just a few things on Indrė’s daily list. Even though Indrė needs an extra hour in a day, she aspires to use her full potential and energy to accomplish her life mission.

Indrė, could you share about your journey from being a student at LCC to now lecturing here?
When I introduce myself I use three keywords: neuromarketing, passion, and multitasking. While I was studying at LCC I fell in love with marketing. After my graduation, I stayed in Klaipėda and worked for a year in the marketing department at a tourism agency. During my work there, I realized that I want to dig deeper into marketing and I applied for Master’s degree at Lund University, Sweden. I had to make a tough decision afterwards: whether to stay in Sweden or come back to Lithuania. I decided that I love challenges and I accepted my mission to be here in Lithuania. I also have experience working in Scandinavian companies. I was working for Vitral, the company that manufactures roof lights, and was responsible for Lithuanian, Scandinavian, French, and British markets. I spent four and a half years in the company and I got invaluable experience in the marketing field. At the same time, I started lecturing at LCC, and my first class was a bit of a challenge for me. I had 50 students and it was a 3 hour class on Wednesday evenings. Nevertheless, I loved sharing my experience and my knowledge with students. I found some amazing collaboration opportunities between young talents, and this was another additional motivation to stay here in Lithuania. Now, I combine lecturing at LCC International University and Lithuania Business University of Applied Sciences.

You have also been a visiting lecturer in various universities. Could you share more about this experience?
I have been a visiting lecturer at Lille University, France, the University of Petra, Jordan, and a few others. LCC gave me an opportunity to visit a few of the previously mentioned universities through the Erasmus+ program. I recently visited Howest University of Applied Sciences in Belgium and I loved the experience there. I was a guest lecturer in the Communication department and I felt like being in a real advertising agency. Students were working on different projects with Google, Coca-Cola, Facebook, and other well-known brands. They were not just speaking about communication, they were acting upon it. As soon as I started the lecture, students found me on LinkedIn, and the professor asked why I do not post the updates, and photos. They immediately started thinking in the direction of communication and branding, and eventually we had an amazing lecture. This is not only an experience for me as a lecturer but also for both institutions. We bond and try to find connections on how to invite more students, how to publish articles together, so this is not just a visit, it is a long-term partnership. I feel that during these visits, I can develop professionally, gain more knowledge, and apply some of that to my teaching methods.

Indrė, currently you are working on two other projects. One of them is, a neuromarketing company, where you are a co-founder. Tell us a bit about the company and how you came up with the idea for it?
It started when I was studying at LCC. Me and my colleagues in Globalkey were studying at LCC at that time. We tried to conduct market research and some pilot tests as well as implement neuromarketing tools. We were starting to learn how to "play the game", so we tried to understand what neuromarketing is and how it works. It was an interesting field for us, so we divided the responsibilities among each other. We are still working on neuromarketing research and now I am focusing on the methodology part trying to find the best fit for the academic and business fields. The company focuses on researching packaging design, conducting market research and other things related to neuromarketing. I am also working with my thesis students on this type of research, and some of them are doing their thesis on the eye tracker, face reader, and other neurometrics.

You are also a founder of Nepaleisk svajonės or Don't be afraid to dream, an event organization company. How long have you been involved with this business?
I have been in this market for 5 years or so. It started when I was working in different start-ups and business plan competitions, and I was a team leader. We were organizing different events and I got the know-how of how things work, so I decided to open something of my own. With my partner we started to work on different personal and wedding celebrations; however, after three years we realized that each of us had a different vision. It was challenging for me to accept and understand that, but I was grateful to receive such a valuable lesson. Usually I have 2-3 people on my team, but sometimes it can be up to 10 people. Mainly it depends on the event and what kind of services we have to offer our clients. I enjoy it, even though it is intense. Summer vacations are not an option for me because almost every weekend we have an event. Since there are different rules for each couple and various situations happen during the wedding, you have to learn problem solving and crisis management. I find that it opens different kinds of skills and broadens my and my team’s competencies.

How competitive is event organization in Klaipėda?
Even though it is extremely competitive, I still find a lot of clients who want to work with us. Another challenge is to keep the team together and understand that you cannot be a one-man orchestra. You have to find trust-worthy people on whom you can rely. I have several of my previous clients in my team, and we are all working together. Even though the competition is harsh, people hear about you and they see your personality. When clients choose our services, they also choose our team and our personalities. One of my life's missions is to cooperate with people, combine our skills, talents, and competencies, and find a better way to provide our services.

How do you manage to multitask?
I sometimes joke that I am looking for a start-up that will offer an extra hour in a day. I would be their first customer. It might sound a bit cliche, but I think multitasking is in my blood. When I am involved in many different fields, I still see the connection between them. I work hard and sometimes I get only a few hours of sleep, but I enjoy it. When I see the opportunity in front of me, I take it and dedicate all of my energy to it.

What advice would you give to young adults entering the job market and trying to find their passion?
When I was participating in Studijų Regata this February, I was asked to share a few main life lessons I learned so far. One of the first lessons we need to remember is that everything is connected and combined. The second lesson is that multitasking is not as scary as it may seem. It is a matter of being busy and adapting to the rhythm of your work. If you can manage multitasking then it is a great opportunity to combine different fields and learn from them. Another lesson to remember is to volunteer. It is an amazing chance for you to get the know-how in different fields. I opened my connections when I started to volunteer and participate in different kinds of projects. All the experiences and connections shaped me into who I am right now.

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