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LCC International University > News and Events > Iurii Shchegolskyi: finding your path after graduation

Iurii Shchegolskyi: finding your path after graduation


Iurii Shchegolskyi is a 2015 LCC alumni from Ukraine. His degree was in International Business Administration. He currently lives in Germany and is working in “Adjoe” GmbH as a Senior Account Manager. He has worked in Vlantana Transport Company, as well as Applike GmbH.

In our interview, Iurii started by saying that it was a bit difficult for him to leave LCC after graduation, he just wanted to stick around campus. Regarding his career, Iurii mentions that his professional career started even before his graduation from LCC. As a student, he had a chance to visit the U.S. with the Work and Travel program. Additionally, he had some side jobs during his studies along the same line. Iurii even had a chance to work in sales in the Soprana Company while still a student. Although it was a part-time job, Iurii still benefited from the job experience he got at that company.

After graduation, Iurii worked at Vlantana Transport Company as an assistant but later changed to a managerial role. He had worked there for almost 3 years, before realizing that work at a logistics company was not actually something he wanted to continue. He decided to leave the job and found another in a different field.

He started working in the mobile marketing and advertising industry. He took a role at “Adjoe” GmbH company as a Senior Account Manager. Iurii says that he enjoys this field and this position a lot more, and decided he would like to continue pursuing his career there.

When talking about ways to find the path where one should go, Iurii strongly encourages current LCC students to get work experience in any field they can. He gives the example that he was tutoring children while he was an LCC student. This skill of knowing how to explain things in a simple manner is even helpful at his current job where he gets to instruct other workers on certain tasks.

In terms of the skills Iurii received during his studies, he admits that one can only benefit from LCC by what one is ready to accept. He highlights that LCC students can learn unique skills from other students and faculty because LCC is such an international and intercultural institution. Iurii says that even the experience in classes like Academic Writing prepared him for his future. He states that, although it did not seem useful back then, what he learned in these classes is useful even now.

“LCC is a great place in terms of learning how to live. It gives a lot of things and it’s up to you to accept it or not.”

Although LCC is not as well known in Germany where Iurii currently lives and works, he still does not regret studying at LCC. He says he would still choose LCC if he were to go back and pick a place for his BA studies.

To hear the full story from Iurii himself click here.

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