LCC International University > News and Events > Ignas Kalpokas publishes A New book with Palgrave Macmillan
Ignas Kalpokas, Assistant Professor in the Department of International Relations and Development has published a new book, Algorithmic Governance: Politics and Law in the Post-Human Era with Palgrave Macmillan. The book explores the changes and challenges to the conduct and regulation of everyday life that arise with datafication, the ever-growing analytical, predictive, and structuring role of algorithms, and the prominence of the platform economy. Manifestations of the ensuing algorithmic governance are shown to range from nudging individuals towards predefined outcomes to outright structuration of behavior through digital architecture. These changes, in turn, reflect a broader shift away from anthropocentric accounts of the world, ultimately leading Ignas to embrace a post-humanist framework focused on the inseparability of humans, the natural environment, technology, and code. LCC is proud to have Ignas Kalpokas as part of our faculty.
To read more about the new book, follow the link below.
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