LCC International University > News and Events > From The Desk of the President
AS WE FINISH THIS ACADEMIC YEAR: The joys and the sorrows of life continue to intersect! These final days of the semester always reveal demonstrations of incredible student effort, celebrations of completion, final lunches and dinners together, and encouragement to finish well. And the backdrop to all of these moments of goodness is the ongoing burden of war in Ukraine, the devastation of education and freedom in Afghanistan, the border control challenges for Russians and Belarusians, and so many other issues that affect the community of LCC…
These are the tensions of our day-to-day experiences at LCC. Our faculty and staff speak words of hope to students who are perhaps losing hope or are overwhelmed. It's this personal touch that they give to the students that makes LCC such a unique and powerful place.
AS WE PLAN FOR THE SUMMER: In the midst of the turmoil we are also preparing for and looking forward to the next season of the LCC life cycle. From summer English programs to youth basketball camps to special activities for Ukrainian children who have been displaced, summertime is still a very active time for LCC. This summer, over 150 students will remain on campus (including about 100 Ukrainians) as some study, some work, and some volunteer to help those in need.
AS WE LAUNCH THE “PEACE CENTER:” We are particularly grateful for the new Center for Dialogue and Conflict Transformation on our campus. This year has included several important opportunities to help students process the trauma they carry from the difficult realities in their home countries. The Center has also offered opportunities to help the entire LCC community better understand these contexts as we all live and learn together. Below you can learn more about the Center and a very important conference, “Stories Shaping Peace,” that we recently hosted on our campus.
AS WE HEAR FROM OUR ALUMNI: We are grateful to hear from our LCC alumni, who are active around the world and doing deeply important work. One alumna recently shared about her current work in Ukraine as she helps provide safety for those fleeing the war and you can watch an interview with her below.
There is hope in the darkness. We see this hope all around us in the faces of our students. Thank you for your part in sustaining this special place of hope that we call LCC International University.
Marlene Wall, PhD
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