LCC International University > News and Events > FROM THE DESK OF THE PRESIDENT
Remember when? 2021 . . . the year in which “remember when” included such unusual responses! As I write this, we are in our 8th consecutive month of national lockdown in Lithuania. We’ve celebrated our 2nd spring graduation online. Zoom is easier to navigate than multiple airports for the same kinds of meetings. And above all, we recognize that the supreme “remember when” acknowledges the provisions and promises of a God who transcends all human attempts.
We are grateful for a year in which our Christ-centered identity has continually focused our attention on the needs of students. (Please read the story of Aisaule, a freshman student from Kazakhstan with a passion for sharing the good news of the Gospel.)
We are grateful for the voices of our alumni, who live out the mission of LCC. (Please read the story of Emas, an alumnus whose Christian worldview is making a difference in the schools of Lithuania.)
We are excited about new initiatives at LCC – the Discipleship Assistants on each floor of the residence halls, the Cyber Technology Center, the emerging new “LCCx” division which will help us launch new dimensions of our educational identity and add a steady revenue stream for LCC. (Much more news to follow!)
We are excited about the upcoming 30th anniversary, an opportunity to look back and look forward. (Stay tuned for more details!)
In a year in which many of our “normal” revenue streams have been radically affected, in a year in which our students will hit a second summer of virtually no employment opportunities:
Join us in supporting our students.
Will you help us meet our 25% increase in Annual Fund donations, to support our students who have virtually no summer employment opportunities, and who come from developing countries where their parents are also living through challenging times?
Will you consider supporting this Christ-centered university, the only one of its kind in a region twice as big as the United States?
Our year-end is July 31, 2021. Our goal, beyond the expected regular annual gifts, is 160,000 USD.
Join us in praying for our students.
Pray with us for those students who are remaining on campus throughout the summer months, many of them helping with our summer camps (assuming that the “lockdown” is lifted in order to host these camps).
Pray with us for our recent graduates who now enter a world of significant unknowns.
The donor community that supports LCC has been faithful in consistently supporting the mission of LCC through financial giving. Thank you! We have much to be grateful for.
Ačiū / Thank You!
Marlene Wall
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