LCC International University > LCC Alumni > Mentor Profiles > Mentor

Lašas, Ph.D.

Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities - Kaunas University of Technology

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From: Lietuva

Mentoring Topics


Ainius graduated from LCC in 1999 with the Bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature. He also is a graduate of the Vilnius University with Master’s Diploma of Journalism. Ainius got his Ph.D. of International Relations from the University of Washington.  

Ainius is experienced journalist who worked with national radio and television broadcaster. He spent few years in University of Oxford as Senior Research Fellow and was teaching in University of Bath. After long years in foreign countries, recently Ainius came back to Lithuania to work as the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities in Kaunas University of Technology, and is actively participating not just in the academic world but in the social life too.