Improve Your English Teaching Skills

Free webinars for English teachers

Improve your English teaching skills, get practical tips and learn new ways to keep your students engaged. 

Learn from the experts of a leading American style university in Lithuania and discuss the hot topics that trouble the minds and hearts of ELT professionals around the globe.

Sign up for the FREE professional development webinars now! 


Who is it for?

The free professional development webinars are designed for English teachers and educators worldwide who want to improve their teaching skills, get practical tips and maintain and grow a successful and fulfilling career.     

What will you learn?

During the webinars, you will learn how to put the newest EFL theory into practice from the field experts. Get answers to questions like:

  • How to use language learning games to motivate students of all ages and levels
  • What are the benefits of playing games in a language classroom
  • How to differentiate tasks when teaching pupils of different proficiency levels

1.5 Hours

Participation Fee

0 Eur


What is LCC?

LCC offers a unique student experience, with in- person and online classes, BA and MA programs, and students from different countries, cultures and perspectives.

LCC embraces a North American education style which fosters critical thinking, academic rigor, and multiple perspectives.

LCC is a learning community; faculty and students are challenged to be lifelong learners. LCC is a relational university; we value personal conversations and healthy connections. LCC is an international university; students and faculty come from over 50 different countries. 

Participate in the following tesol webinars

Speaker: G. Ketner

It’s All Fun and Games…and Learning! Games in the Language Classroom

Who doesn’t love to play a game? As teachers, we can use our students’ enjoyment of games to promote language learning – a true win-win situation! Games are a useful way to build and practice language skills and increase student engagement in the classroom for all ages and language levels.

In this interactive webinar, we will consider what makes an activity a game and examine several types of language learning games. We’ll discuss the benefits of language learning games and play a game together. 

This webinar is appropriate for teachers of all language levels (beginner to advanced) and all ages (children, teens, and adults).

SPEAKER: Robin Gingerich, PhD

Unique students; Unique lessons

 Each pupil has their own talents, strengths, and learning styles. How can we teach a whole class while at the same time, attending to individuals and their learning needs?

This webinar will provide English teachers with some encouragement and ideas for designing lessons aimed to reach pupils, each with their unique characteristics. We will discuss scaffolding as a means to assist lower-proficiency students to achieve their learning targets as well as ways of challenging the high-achievers.

Take charge of your professional success today! Sign up now.