Improve Your English Teaching Skills

Free online webinars for English teachers

Improve your English teaching skills, get practical tips and learn new ways to keep your students engaged. 

Learn from the experts of a leading American style university in Lithuania and discuss the hot topics that trouble the minds and hearts of ELT professionals around the globe.

Sign up for FREE professional development webinars now! 


Who is it for?

The free professional development webinars are designed for English teachers and educators worldwide who want to improve their teaching skills, get practical tips and maintain and grow a successful and fulfilling career.     

What will you learn?

During the webinars taught by experts, you will learn: 

  • What practical activities help teach the use of vocabulary 
  • How to choose the best print and online teaching materials 
  • New ways to keep students interested and engaged.

1 Hour

Participation Fee

0 Eur

What is LCC?

LCC offers a unique student experience, with in- person and online classes, BA and MA programs, and students from different countries, cultures and perspectives.

LCC embraces a North American education style which fosters critical thinking, academic rigor, and multiple perspectives.

LCC is a learning community; faculty and students are challenged to be lifelong learners. LCC is a relational university; we value personal conversations and healthy connections. LCC is an international university; students and faculty come from over 50 different countries. 


Erin Bronsink, MA TESOL
Geraldine Ryan, PhD
Robin Gingerich, PhD
Lidiya Oryshchuk, MA TESOL

Participate in the following tesol webinars

Speaker: Geraldine Ryan, PhD

Topic: Vocabulary Development

Description: This webinar will focus on what it means to know a word, using Nation's'Form, Meaning & Use' categorization. We will also look at practical activities you can do with students to ensure they are deepening their knowledge of, and ability to use vocabulary.

SPEAKER: Robin Gingerich, PhD

Topic: Unique studets; Unique lessons

Description: Each pupil has their own talents, strengths, and learning styles. How can we teach a whole class while at the same time, attending to individuals? This webinar will provide some encouragement and ideas for designing lessons aimed to reach all pupils, each with their unique characteristics. 

Speaker: Lidiya Oryshchuk, MA TESOL

Topic: What's in a book? How to select textbooks and materials that are right for your class

Description: The modern-day publishing industry presents teachers with a multitude of printed, online, and mixed media materials. How do you choose the one that's best for you and your learners? Is it enough to flip through the pages and look at the grammar topics? Does it matter where the textbook was published? In this webinar we'll consider these are many more important factors in selecting materials that will prove effective for you and your learners.

Take charge of your professional success today! Sign up now.